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CEINGE has been working for about twenty years in the field of molecular diagnosis of genetic diseases.

It carries out molecular diagnostics of inherited and acquired genetic diseases (including prenatal and neonatal pathologies through screening programs), which are connected activities of development and validation of diagnostic methodologies, based on the most advanced biotechnologies. It offers assistance to patients coming from the Campania Region, but also to those coming from other Italian Regions and from other Countries.


  • Regional Reference Center of the National Health Service for Clinical Molecular Biology, Laboratory Genetics
  • Regional Reference Center of the National Health Service for Diagnosis of Rare Diseases and Metabolic Diseases
  • Unique Center for Neonatal Screening of Campania Region
  • Operational unit of the Regional Center of the Regional National Health Service for Cystic Fibrosis, which includes the AORN Santobono-Pausillipon-Screening Center and the Department of Translational Medical Sciences - Pediatric Section of University of Naples Federico II.
  • National Reference Center for the study and diagnosis of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
  • An integral part of the Regional Network of Public Laboratories for the genetic typing of Lymphomas and Leukemias
  • An integral part of the Center for Oncogenomics and heredo-familial Tumors of the AOU Federico II


Certifications and accreditations

Access to CEINGE services

Patients have access to the services provided by CEINGE through two channels:

  • Diagnosis and Treatment Structures: they take charge of the prescription of appropriate investigations for patients in hospitalization, both ordinary and Day-Hospital, whose biological samples are sent to CEINGE, by the structure itself, accompanied by the correct technical-administrative documentation . At the conclusion of the survey, the report will be returned to the applicant structure and inserted in the patient's health record.


  • Outpatient Laboratory of DAIMeLab Medicine (AOU Federico II): patients not admitted to hospital, after following specific care pathways and obtaining the appropriate genetic or specialist advice, will be able to access the services by going to the Laboratory Medicine Outpatient Clinic of the DAIMeLab (AOU Federico II) equipped with appropriate documents compiled by the primary care physician on the advice of a geneticist or specialist responsible. At the clinic, they will be able to pay, if due, the sharing of health expenses, take biological samples and collect the report at the end of the survey.

For information Centralized Acceptance Service (CAS)



How to access to genetic counseling:

Patients with suspected rare pathology and their family members, in accordance with the regional decree of the "Rare Diseases Regional Plan and Diagnostic Care Path of the rare patient" (DR n.48 of 10/27/2017) and with the indications of the Coordination Center of Rare Diseases belonging to the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, may require counseling and a genetic visit.
Genetic counseling is necessary in order to define the clinical suspicion more precisely and direct the most appropriate genetic tests, in accordance with the "Lorenzin decree" (GU n. 15 of 01/20/2016).

The Medical Genetics service is aimed at:

  • pediatric and adult patients with suspected rare pathology
  • family members of affected individuals
  • couples about pregnancy, ongoing pregnancy at risk, or with fertility / poliabortivity issues
  • patients with suspected inherited cancer predisposition

The services provided by medical specialists in Medical Genetics can be booked:

- on the number +39 081 3737898 (Monday to Friday, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm)
- at the email address (communicating your full name and phone number)

Coordinatore dell'attività diagnostica