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The activities at the CEINGE Cryopreservation Facility are focused to both research and diagnostics through the collection, storage at low temperature and distribution of biological samples according to standardized procedures.

The Cryopreservation Facility of CEINGE − Biotecnologie Avanzate is certified according to ISO 9001/2008 and it employs the most suitable technologies to guarantee the best storage conditions for biological material and maximum operator safety. The Facility has a fully computerized cryogenic room, equipped with 9 modern containers for storing different types of biological samples, for a total of about 200.000 vials. A modern automated supervision system allows a 24h control and management of the entire nitrogen circuit from the external 5000 liters tank to all individual containers.

Since 2009, the CEINGE Cryopreservation Facility has been part of Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure, (BBMRI,, a collaboration project between international biobanks funded by the European Commission. BBMRI aims to provide new common services and technical-scientific tools to support biobanking activities and to promote the advancement of biomedical knowledge at European level through the flows of skills and biological samples.


The services offered by the CEINGE Cryopreservation Facility are as follows:

  1. Liquid Nitrogen Storage of cryopreserved biological samples
  2. Support for the collection, transport and cryopreservation of biopsy samples
  3. Preparation and shipment of cryopreserved samples
  4. Isolation and cryopreservation of cellular pellets dedicated to the extraction of nucleic acids
  5. Isolation and cryopreservation of fresh mononucleate cells isolated from peripheral blood and/or medullary and/or tissue
  6. Management of biological samples deposited at BBMRI biobank

