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EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Red Cell and Iron Metabolism Defects

This is the second edition EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting and takes place in Madrid. Prof. Achille Iolascon, Principal Investigator CEINGE, is the chair. The topics are "Red Cell and Iron Metabolism Defects: from basic science to clinical case application": the meeting will examine the red cell and iron biology in relation to the erythropoietic differentiation process. Human beings produce billions of red cells on a daily basis. The meeting would like to examine this machinery and underline the mechanisms that allow this enormous cell production in order to better understand the alterations responsible for red blood cell disorders.

This meeting will offer attendees the opportunity to improve their understanding of the learning protocols for differential diagnosis and treatment of different types of anemias, from clinical observation.

Chair: A Iolascon
Co-chairs: C Camaschella, MD Cappellini, M Muckenthaler, P Aguilar Martinez

Meeting venue: Melià Avenida Amèrica

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Calle de Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 36 - 28027 - Madrid - Madrid