1. Background
The recruitment referred to in this notice aims to support emerging young researchers who wish to set up a research group and start performing independent activities at CEINGE, as Jr Principal Investigator.
Recruitment involves researchers engaged in the institutional research areas of CEINGE, who have demonstrated, based on their CV and research planning, that they have the potential to become independent research leaders.
The selection will take place through the evaluation of candidates according to the scientific profile required for the appointment to Jr PI at CEINGE, as indicated in the following point 2.
2. Requirements for the appointment as Jr. PI of CEINGE:
• citizenship of one of the countries of the European Union or associated countries
• enjoyment of civil and political rights;
• physical fitness for the commitment;
• have no criminal convictions and have not been the recipient of provisions regarding the application of preventive measures, civil decisions and administrative measures registered in the criminal record
Minimal requirements
• researcher of any nationality in the EU area or associated countries, with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 12 years of experience gained after obtaining the research doctorate (or other equivalent qualification) and with an excellent scientific curriculum;
• excellent research proposal in the CEINGE institutional research areas;
• excellent knowledge of written and spoken English;
3. Resources made available to the Jr PI by CEINGE
In the case of candidates who do not have a contract with other research institutions, CEINGE will grant, in the case of appointment to Jr PI, an annual allowance of € 50,000 gross, for three years.
In the case of candidates with coordinated and continuous collaboration contracts, research grants, research grants with other research institutions, CEINGE will recognize a supplementary allowance up to a gross annual amount of 50,000 euros, for three years.
The aforementioned assignment may be extended exclusively at the discretion of CEINGE and only following a positive final assessment of the activity carried out over the three-year period.
CEINGE will make available to each of the 4 Jr PI selected, in addition to what previously described:
- laboratory spaces for conducting research
- use of the CEINGE facilities according to the procedures contained in the regulations in force at the Institute
- a graduate student from the European School of Molecular Medicine (SEMM)
- materials and research services for an amount of Euro 15,000.00 per year plus VAT
The economic exploitation of any project results will be regulated exclusively in accordance with the provisions of the CEINGE regulations in the case in which the salary totally paid by the CEINGE or will be shared with the Institute of origin of the PI in the event that the same has other contractual relations.
4. Obligations of the Jr PI
The Jr PI of CEINGE will be required to:
. participate in the scientific life of CEINGE (participation in seminars, commitment to institutional activities such as commissions, coordination of facilities and other);
b. respect the principles of integrity and ethics in research. All work with the CEINGE affiliation must be validated by software to check plagiarism and data presentation in accordance with the most rigorous international standards;
c. to independently present funding requests to national and international, public and private agencies and bodies, including the submission of applications for funding to the European Research Council;
d. include the CEINGE affiliation in all works submitted for publication which include them as authors;
e. observe all the rules and regulations in force at CEINGE;
f. guarantee the obligation of confidentiality and non-competition, for which they must sign a specific agreement prepared by CEINGE;
5. How to participate
The application form (drawn up according to the scheme - Annex 1), must be received, under penalty of exclusion, at the CEINGE personnel office - Via Gaetano Salvatore, 486 - 80145 Naples, by 2.00 pm on the thirtieth day after the date of publication of this notice on the company website (www.ceinge.unina.it) every weekday except Saturday. If the deadline falls on a Saturday or a public holiday, it will be moved to the next non-working day. The application must be accompanied, under penalty of exclusion, by the scientific-professional curriculum in a dated and signed Europass format.
The application can be submitted:
• by hand or sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, indicating on the envelope containing the documents the following wording: "Application for the appointment of Jr PI for research activities to be carried out at CEINGE"
• electronic sending exclusively from the candidate's certified electronic mailbox (PEC) to the following PEC address of CEINGE ( personale@pec.ceinge.unina.it) by sending a scan of the signed application and attachments in .pdf format and indicating in the subject of the PEC the following statement: "Application for the appointment of Jr PI for research activities to be carried out at CEINGE"
The request must be accompanied, under penalty of exclusion, by a research proposal drawn up according to the scheme in Annex 2.
Applications received after the deadline indicated above will not be taken into consideration, even if sent by post or PEC
6. Selection procedure
The appointments to Jr PI will be entrusted by the Legal Representative of CEINGE on the basis of the evaluation of the received applications, carried out by an ad hoc Commission appointed by the Board of CEINGE and constituted by Senior Scientists of international standings and coordinated, without the right to vote, by the Scientific Director of CEINGE.
The commission will assess the scientific validity and autonomy of research of the candidate on the basis:
- of the CV
- of the post-doc experience gained, including the ownership of a fixed-term research contract or a coordinated and continuous collaboration contract as PI at another research institution
- of the scientific results achieved, based on both scientific publications and patents or grants obtained
- of the excellence of the scientific proposal presented by the candidate according to both the degree of innovation and the potential for its integration with the scientific research activities carried out at CEINGE
The selection will be completed by an interview in English that the commission will hold with the most deserving candidates.
The winning candidates will be summoned by the Personnel Office for the stipulation of collaboration contracts.
Pursuant to the relevant laws in force, the processing of all personal data collected is aimed at carrying out the selection procedure and the possible establishment and management of the contractual relationship and the same will be managed in accordance with the law.
CEINGE reserves the right to extend, suspend or revoke this notice, or part of it, if deemed necessary or appropriate for reasons of public interest.
In the case of successful candidates holding a work contract with another Research Body a memorandum of understanding will be stipulated between CEINGE and the aforementioned Body regarding the activity of the Jr PI at the laboratories of the same.
Naples, April 29 2019
The Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Mariano Giustino
CEINGE - Biotecnologie Avanzate