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LSM 980 with Airyscan2, Zeiss 


LSM 980 with Airyscan2, Zeiss 

LSM 980 is the ideal confocal microscope for acquiring 4D images. In fact, the whole system allows for simultaneous spectral acquisition of multiple fluorescent signals, even very weak, thanks to the high sensitivity of its GaAsP and Airyscan2 detectors. The Airyscan2 technology also allows to acquire super-resolution images (at 120nm in xy and 350nm in z), with no adjustment in the protocols used for sample preparation. Furthermore, with the combined use of Airyscan2 and the Multiplex mode it is possible to acquire large FOV (Field Of View) in very short times (up to 47 fps) and using very low laser powers, thus guaranteeing no phototoxicity. These features, together with the possibility to control T and CO2%, make the LSM 980 microscope particularly suitable for performing time-lapse on living samples, ensuring the acquisition of images with high throughput and with high signal-to-noise-ratio. 

Objectives: 10x/0,3; 20x/0,8; 40x/0,95; 63x/1,4; 100x/1,46. 

Laser Lines: 405nm, 440nm, 458nm, 488nm, 543nm, 640 nm.

Detectors: 2 MA PMT + 4Ch GaAsP + Airyscan2.