Stereomicroscope M205FA, Leica
This stereomicoscope allows to acquire images of relatively large objects with highly defined details and high depth of field. Thanks to the FusionOptics technology available, it combines high resolution and maximum depth of field. It is ideal for acquiring images in bright field, unilateral dark field, Rotterdam contrast and fluorescence when you work on three-dimensional samples (embryos, Zebrafish, Drosophila, C. Elegans, ect.).
Objectives: 0,63x (range di ingrandimento 4,8x-100x), 1,0x (range di ingrandimento 8x-160x)
Excitation Filters: DAPI, AT350/50X; GFP2, ET480/40X; DsRed, ET545/30x.
Emission Filters: ET460/50m; ET510 LP; ET620/60.