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On the mode of action of the HOXA1 transcription factor: from embryonic development to breast cancer

Alle ore 12.30, il prof. René Rezsohazy, full professor presso Molecular and Cellular Animal Embryology Group - School of Biology / Louvain Institute for Biomolecular Science and Technology (LIBST), Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Belgium, terrà un seminario al CEINGE dal titolo On the mode of action of the HOXA1 transcription factor: from embryonic development to breast cancer.

Ricercatore Ospite: Francesco Salvatore


HOXA1 is a homeodomain transcription factor of the HOX family of proteins known to play critical roles in shaping vertebrate embryos and controlling developmental processes from organogenesis to cell differentiation. When misexpressed, HOXA1 can also act as an oncoprotein promoting cell transformation and cancer progression.

While the functions of HOXA1 have been well characterized, the molecular modalities of action of this protein remain scarcely documented. Aiming at unravelling how does HOXA1 work, we identified some obligatory interactors of the protein and also highlighted that it is not only a transcription factor but can also act as a modulator of cell signaling

Auditorium CEINGE - via Gaetano Salvatore 486 - 80145 - Napoli - NA
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