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Vermeesch -Preimplantation and prenatal diagnosis

L’8 febbraio, ore 16.00, presso l’Auditorium CEINGE, il prof. J. R. Vermeesch terrà un seminario dal titolo “Novel approaches for preimplantation and prenatal diagnosis”.

Il prof. Vermeesch è Coordinator genomics core – Lab of Cytogenetics and Genome Research, e Chair del Dipartimento di Human Genetics- Centre for Human Genetics di Leuven, Belgio.

Ricercatore Ospite: Achille Iolascon -CEINGE - Biotecnologie Avanzate.


The past decade has seen the development of technologies that have revolutionized prenatal genetic testing; that is, genetic testing from conception until birth. Genome-wide single-cell arrays and high-throughput sequencing analyses are dramatically increasing our ability to detect embryonic and fetal genetic lesions, and have substantially improved embryo selection for in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Moreover, both invasive and non-invasive mutation scanning of the genome are helping to identify the genetic causes of prenatal developmental disorders. These advances are changing clinical practice and pose novel challenges for genetic counselling and prenatal care.

I will present the methods we have been developing and implemented for both preimplantation and (non-invasive) prenatal diagnosis, the challenges ahead and the ethical questions arising alongside the introduction of those novel technologies. 

J. R. Vermeesch

via Gaetano Salvatore 486 - 80145 - Napoli - NA
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